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Couverture de Once More with Chutzpah

Once More with Chutzpah

De : Haley Neil
Lu par : Cady Zuckerman
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    When high-school senior Tally and her twin brother Max head off on an exchange trip to Israel over their winter break, Tally thinks it will be a good distraction for Max; he might be trying to hide it, but she knows he's still struggling in the wake of a car crash that injured him and killed the driver. Maybe this will help him get back on track and apply to college the way he and Tally always planned. But as the group travels across the country, Tally realizes her plan might not be working and that her brother might not be the only one with a lot on his mind. 

    When a new relationship gets complicated in the face of her own anxiety - about her future, her sexual and romantic identity, and her place within the Jewish diaspora - she must grapple not only with the past but also with what life will be like when they get back home.

    ©2022 Haley Neil (P)2022 Dreamscape Media, LLC

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