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Couverture de Don't Eat the Pie

Don't Eat the Pie

De : Monique Asher
Lu par : Cady Zuckerman, Stephanie Willing
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    In DON'T EAT THE PIE, listeners are transported to the hauntingly picturesque Camillia Island, where gothic horror meets family drama, unraveling the sinister secrets behind a mother and daughter's summer that promises to be as unsettling as it is compelling for fans of Shirley Jackson and Daphne du Maurier.

    Newlywed Sam has always wanted to be a part of a normal happy family.

    When her mother-in-law falls ill, Sam dutifully moves her family to Edenic Camillia Island to care for her. The island residents, namely the older women, welcome Sam and her daughter Emma with open arms, endless cocktails, and plenty of superstition.

    It seems perfect until it’s not. The house next to her mother-in-law’s is creepy—not only that, it’s where Ben’s first wife died.

    Sam’s teen daughter Emma isn’t interested in spending the summer in Camilia. It gets even worse when Emma starts to see things—knowing that there are ghosts trying to warn her of something, but what?

    Despite Emma’s pleas, Sam doesn’t want to rock the boat with her new family. Emma won’t pretend nothing is happening, especially as the messages become more grim and frequent. What secrets are buried on Camilia Island? And why are all the residents keen on keeping them quiet?

    Content Warnings: this book contains mentions and/or descriptions of abuse/domestic violence, suicide, unauthorized medical procedures, pregnancy complications, and a car accident.

    ©2024 Monique Asher (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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