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Couverture de Oliver Blackstone: Outlaws' Bounty

Oliver Blackstone: Outlaws' Bounty

De : Riano D. McFarland
Lu par : Craig Abbott
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    Following 10 years of service under four different presidents, the legend of Marshal Oliver Blackstone has grown far beyond his district headquarters in Santa Fe. Throughout the new US territories between Texas and California, law-abiding citizens respect him, while outlaws and wayward fugitives are wise to avoid coming face-to-face with him.

    After drawing the ire of a wealthy Russian immigrant, he discovers that a $100,000 bounty has been placed on his head, collectible by the first gunman able to take down the marshal and claim it. Unfortunately for those seeking to strike it rich by facing off against the marshal who’s been called “the deadliest man alive", there is no shortage of would-be challengers hoping to claim the enormous bounty and bragging rights as the gunfighter who bested Marshal Blackstone.

    However, many of them will soon find that there’s a reason why Oliver is at the top of the list and why, despite the outlaws’ bounty, Marshal Blackstone isn’t hiding!

    ©2023 Riano D. McFarland (P)2023 Riano D. McFarland

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