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Couverture de Just a Stale Mate

Just a Stale Mate

De : J. Ivanel Johnson
Lu par : Craig Abbott
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    –A traditional whodunnit mystery–

    When P.J. Whistler leaves her Appalachian village of Victoria, New Brunswick in the summer of 1969 to visit her godson's family in south-western Ontario, she isn't prepared for her keen observational skills to be in demand for solving a murder.

    But when her godson, homicide consultant Inspector Philip Steele, and his mother Lary, who is now running their family farm, the "JUST (e)STATE", as one of the first therapeutic riding schools in North America, ask P.J. to help with the investigation of a young man who fell to his death from a railway trestle, she is happy to oblige.

    The many suspects, from as far as Yorkshire, who are staying at the rural retreat outside Sandytown all seem to have a motive. Or, at least a secret. And what of the constant Dickens references behind which they all hide? Will Phil and P.J., along with Detective Trevor Ames (closeting a secret of his own), be able to 'unearth' the killer? Or, is what's buried on the retreat's property destined to remain there forever?

    ©2023 Black Rose Writing (P)2024 Black Rose Writing


    "Thoroughly enjoyed this clever mystery... the characters are charming, diverse, and well-developed, and the story keeps you turning those pages!" -Sherry Hobbs, author of MAC and Bird of Passage

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