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  • Notes on Love

  • Being Single and Dating in a Marriage Obsessed Church
  • De : Lauren Windle
  • Lu par : Lauren Windle
  • Durée : 7 h et 16 min

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Notes on Love

De : Lauren Windle
Lu par : Lauren Windle
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    In this delightfully witty and uplifting book, 30-something Lauren Windle shines a light on the trials and tribulations - and sometimes also the triumphs - of the world of Christian dating.

    This is not a how-to guide. Like having a coffee with your mates while you pore over your profile matches, heartbreaks, and hilarious mishaps, Notes on Love draws on Lauren's own experiences of being single and dating in the church to offer a funny, insightful, and open-hearted collection of musings on the absurdity, messiness, pain, and joy of it all.

    With notes on "How to Handle a First Date", "A Million Ways to Meet People", "Disappointment", and "Schrodinger’s Boyfriend", as well as looking at how you can find true love with yourself, your friends, and family and above all in Christ, Notes on Love is a thought-provoking exploration of Christian relationships in the church today.

    This is a book for anyone who has struggled with dating in church or who has asked themselves how to be single as a Christian only to discover there’s no right answer. Warm, generous, and honest, Notes on Love is an invitation to laugh, cry, and know that whether you are male or female, single, coupled up, or somewhere in between, you are not alone.

    ©2021 Lauren Windle (P)2021 Lauren Windle

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