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New Rules to Get Rich

De : Garrett Gunderson
Lu par : Garrett Gunderson
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    Stake your claim in the new economy! Possession of "The New Rules" is like owning a vault full of gold!

    If you are still running your financial life according to the wealth-building rules we all grew up with, you are severely limiting your power, creativity, and financial potential as a result.

    As recent economic events have demonstrated, these "old rules" are dead. A new and radically different set of rules have taken their place. And the time for you to learn them and stake your claim in the new economy is NOW!

    In this eye-opening and somewhat shocking program, Garrett B. Gunderson presents a revolutionary new financial paradigm that can open you up to unprecedented opportunities and unimagined wealth so that YOU can master the New Rules to Get Rich.

    Through well-reasoned arguments, unflinching logic, and revelatory insight, Gunderson defeats common cliches and faulty retirement planning advice to plainly demonstrate:

    • 401(k)s and the stock market are the MOST risky investments for most people, and the gambling mind-set they induce creates disastrous consequences
    • Conventional retirement planning advice, products, strategies, and techniques expose you to significant danger of being unable to retire or of running out of money prematurely if you do
    • Building net worth is a recipe for creating a life of fear and poverty and how to escape that common trap
    • Debt may not be what you think it is and why that matters to your prosperity
    • "High risk equals high returns" is destructive dogma and how reducing risk can increase your returns
    • And much more!

    In place of these outdated, ineffective, and even downright dangerous beliefs, this program presents you with an incredible new set of tools, insights, and secrets that will enable you to open the New Vault and enjoy all the prosperity it has to offer.

    If you are willing to question common assumptions and teachings, overcome the herd mentality, break through financial myths, and live a purposeful, passionate, and prosperous life, then this innovative program is a must-listen.

    ©2008 Nightingale-Conant (P)2008 Nightingale-Conant

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