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  • Win Then Play

  • Keep More of the Money You Make, Profit From Your Ideas Upfront Without Borrowing a Dime, and Design a Life You Don't Want to Retire Rrom
  • De : Garrett Gunderson
  • Lu par : Garrett Gunderson, Dan Strutzel
  • Durée : 3 h et 23 min

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Couverture de Win Then Play

Win Then Play

De : Garrett Gunderson
Lu par : Garrett Gunderson, Dan Strutzel
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    G&D Media is proud to present, Win Then Play: Keep More of the Money You Make, Profit From Your Ideas Upfront Without Borrowing a Dime, and Design a Life You Don't Want to Retire From.

    Created and presented by Garrett Gunderson.

    In this compelling, original and idea-packed presentation composed of 30 concise sessions, Garrett will outline 5 broad themes: 1) The Money Personas, 2) The Cycle of Creation, 3) Cash Flow Optimization, 4) Creating Economic Independence, 5) How to Live your Legacy and Love your Life.

    This course is about setting the foundation and changing the way you think about money and life. You will walk away with a new perspective, clearer vision of your future, and more understanding of your financial situation and what steps you can take to further take control of your financial future while building the framework to live a life you absolutely love.

    ©2024 Garrett Gunderson (P)2024 G&D Media

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