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  • Natural Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis: Lose Weight Naturally, Overcome Emotional Eating & Food Addiction Using Self-Hypnosis, Guided Meditations & Positive Affirmations

  • Weight Loss Hypnosis, Book 3
  • De : Sandra Love
  • Lu par : Jacqueline Michelle
  • Durée : 5 h et 42 min

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Natural Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis: Lose Weight Naturally, Overcome Emotional Eating & Food Addiction Using Self-Hypnosis, Guided Meditations & Positive Affirmations

De : Sandra Love
Lu par : Jacqueline Michelle
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    Discover How You Can Lose Weight Naturally, Transform Your Habits & Finally Break Free From Decades Of Yo-Yo Dieting & Overcome Your Unhealthy Sleep Habits With The Power Of Self-Hypnosis!

    Have you often struggled to lose weight before? Do you lose weight, and then seem to always put it back on? Do you stick to a diet (you often hate) for a while, but always seem to fall back into old habits?

    See, that's where the power of hypnosis can help.

    Hypnosis works by reprogramming our brain and completely transforming our beliefs around weight loss, food, exercise & healthy habits!

    By transforming these beliefs (which have often been holding us back for decades) you will then have the foundation in which a healthy life, with sustainable & natural weight loss becomes VERY possible!

    On top of that, we’ve included specific Self-Hypnosis to help you deal with two of the biggest barriers to long-term progress- Emotional Eating & Junk Food Cravings….Overcoming these will completely revolutionize your relationship to food!

    Here’s a tiny example of what’s inside…

    • 100s Of Daily Powerful Affirmations You Can Repeat To RAPIDLY Reprogram Your Mind Towards A Healthy Lifestyle
    • PLEASE Listen To This Self-Hypnosis Daily If You Want To Overcome Your Junk Food Cravings Once And For All! (And Instead Crave Delicious Nourishing Food!)
    • Struggle With Portion Sizes? Try This Hypnosis To Understand How To Eat For Physical Satiation, Not Mental
    • Relaxing & Easy To Follow Guided Meditations To Help You Understand The Power Of A Relaxed And Focused Mind

    And so much more!

    ©2024 Sandra Love (P)2024 Sandra Love

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