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  • Deep Sleep & Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis

  • Lose Weight Naturally, Overcome Insomnia & Anxiety & Develop Mindful Eating Habits With Self-Hypnosis, Guided Meditations & Affirmations
  • De : Sandra Love
  • Lu par : Jacqueline Michelle
  • Durée : 6 h et 13 min

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Deep Sleep & Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis

De : Sandra Love
Lu par : Jacqueline Michelle
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    Discover The Power Of Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Mind For An Effortless Healthy Lifestyle So Weight Loss Becomes Natural + For Falling Asleep With Ease Each And Every Day!

    Are you always trying fad diets? Constantly stuck in emotional eating cycles? Feel like weight loss is always a horrible slog you hate?

    See, Hypnosis works by reprogramming your mind for lasting change, by actually getting to the root of your behaviors / habits and transforming them into behaviors / habits that will truly serve you.

    This happens when you’re in a ‘suggestible’ state during the Hypnosis itself. When in that state, the narrator will simply suggest new beliefs to you, and the more you listen (we recommend 21 days) the more these new beliefs will take effect, and the more your healthy lifestyle will become natural.

    This is also the case if you struggle with emotional eating, or junk cravings, the script will simply be aimed to change these subconscious behaviors and replace them with beliefs that serve you! (such as that healthy food can be delicious!)

    All we ask, is that you listen daily for at least 21 days to see the changes take effect!

    In this audiobook, we’ve also included Deep Sleep hypnosis & meditations, as quite frankly, a good nights sleep can do wonders for not only your overall health, but your food and eating choices the next day!

    Here’s a small example of what’s inside…

    Want To Learn The Art Of Relaxation & Falling Asleep With Ease? Try These Guided Meditations To Have You Drifting Off In No Time…

    The Best Self-Hypnosis To Listen To For 21 Days To Finally Overcome Those Pesky Junk Food Cravings!

    Do You Struggle With Emotional Eating? Then Simply Try This Self-Hypnosis & Guided Meditation Combo To Reclaim The Grip On Your Eating Habits
    So, If You Want To Start Your Journey To A Natural & Enjoyable Healthy Lifestyle, Then Simply Scroll Up And Click “Buy This Audiobook” Today!

    ©2024 Sandra Love (P)2024 Sandra Love

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