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Mindfulness at Work Essentials for Dummies

De : Shamash Alidina, Juliet Adams
Lu par : Siiri Scott
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    Manage stress and boost your productivity at work using mindfulness.

    Mindfulness at Work Essentials for Dummies explores the many benefits of utilizing mindfulness techniques in the workplace, offering managers, HR professionals, and business people of all levels guidance on how mindfulness can help with the development of core business skills. You'll discover the key concepts of mindfulness and quickly grasp how its implementation in the workplace is a win-win for you, your team, and your organization as a whole.

    Innovative companies like Google have made mindfulness in the workplace a hot topic - and for good reason. Mindfulness can be hugely beneficial on a personal level, as it has been proven to enhance one's effectiveness and ability to live in the present moment. These skills and techniques are equally valuable in the workplace, leading to improved working behavior and better team building. With this handy guide, you'll discover all the tips and tricks to incorporate - and benefit from - mindfulness in the workplace.

    • Provides an introduction to mindfulness and how it can help improve your working behavior
    • Offers useful tips on incorporating mindfulness into your working day
    • Demonstrates how organisations can benefit from implementing mindful approaches to work

    If you're a self-motivated and open-minded business professional looking to expand your knowledge base and effectiveness in the workplace, Mindfulness at Work Essentials for Dummies will help you implement the practice of mindfulness at work - and become a better leader, mentor, or coach.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. 

    ©2015 Wiley Publishing Australia Pty. Ltd. (P)2018 Gildan Media

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