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  • Midlife Battle Cry

  • Redefining the Mighty Second Half
  • De : Dawn Barton
  • Lu par : Dawn Barton
  • Durée : 5 h et 51 min

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Midlife Battle Cry

De : Dawn Barton
Lu par : Dawn Barton
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    Read by the author.

    In a culture where so many people think of middle age as a downward slope into comfy sneakers and quiet, meaningless existence, we can redefine the second half of life, shaping it into decades of fulfillment, fun, strength, and purpose.

    In our forties, fifties, and beyond, we're wrestling with new questions. Is this it? Did I do what I wanted to do in my life? Who am I now that my kids have moved out? Will my sagging skin eventually hang all the way down to my feet? We feel a little like the world has nudged us aside for the younger crowd.

    But God still has much in store for us.

    God doesn't bring us to the middle of our lives so we can park in front of the TV and binge-watch home makeover shows. There is no "midlife" to him! We are his gift to this world at every age and in every season, and it's time to embrace it like never before. Right now, we are the best we've ever been. We know more, we've done more, we've lost and loved more. We've figured out that all tweezers are not created equal for chin hairs and, best of all, we've crossed into a space of feeling more ourselves than ever before. These are exhilarating and empowering years.

    In Midlife Battle Cry, bestselling author Dawn Barton will inspire you to:

    • realize that God isn't done with you (honestly, he's just getting started),
    • view midlife as a pivot point, the start of a bold and powerful season,
    • embrace who you are physically, spiritually, and emotionally,
    • learn to share your experiences and wisdom with a younger generation, and
    • accept that sometimes adding arch support to your cutest shoes is a really good idea.

    Blending lots of humor, honesty, stories, and insights, Dawn will walk you through redefining the mighty second half of life. It's time to rediscover your passions, pursue your dreams—and know your actions can cause not just a ripple effect but a magnificent tidal wave.

    ©2023 Dawn Barton (P)2023 Thomas Nelson

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