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  • Laughing Through the Ugly Cry

  • ...and Finding Unstoppable Joy
  • De : Dawn Barton
  • Lu par : Dawn Barton
  • Durée : 3 h et 21 min

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Laughing Through the Ugly Cry

De : Dawn Barton
Lu par : Dawn Barton
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    Do you believe that joy is a choice? Dawn Barton does. She's an upbeat Southerner with good hair and a successful business background, but she's had more heartache than most of us can imagine. Laughing Through the Ugly Cry is a collection of honest and sometimes raw stories. Dawn throws an arm around listeners as she brings them along on her journey through the loss of a child, divorce, cancer, rape, the death of her only sibling, her husband's substance abuse, and finding her way back to Jesus in the middle of it all. Dawn shares her personal story to show listeners how to find happiness and purpose even in the darkest of days. By laughing through the ugly cry, you will discover how to:

    • Shut down negative feelings causing you to feel inadequate
    • Identify the pros despite how challenging the cons may seem
    • Embrace joy wherever you can find it
    • Learn how to be honest with yourself and process grief in a healthy way

    Dawn says, "If more women were open about just how difficult our lives feel and how hard we are on ourselves, I think we'd learn to relax a little and give ourselves the grace God gives us every day."

    Laughing Through the Ugly Cry is great for:

    • Women of any age seeking comfort, encouragement, and inspiration
    • Book clubs and girls' nights - Dawn poses thoughtful group questions to support meaningful conversations about growth and joy
    ©2020 Dawn Barton (P)2020 Thomas Nelson

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