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  • Marya Khan and the Awesome Adventure Park

  • Marya Khan, Book 4
  • De : Saadia Faruqi
  • Lu par : Farah Rishi
  • Durée : 1 h et 27 min

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Marya Khan and the Awesome Adventure Park

De : Saadia Faruqi
Lu par : Farah Rishi
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    The fourth book in Saadia Faruqi and Ani Bushry’s illustrated chapter book series, Marya Khan and the Awesome Adventure Park finds the ambitious Pakistani American third-grader learning about competition and fun in a story that’s perfect for fans of Ivy & Bean and Stella Diaz.

    Spring break is finally here, and Marya could not be more excited. Because this spring break, she, Hanna, and Alexa are going to Skye Adventure Park—the coolest theme park around! Skye Adventure Park is huge and has so many things to see, so Marya and her friends need to plan how they’ll spend their weekend there. They have to go to the water park (obviously) and avoid boring rides like the Ferris wheel.

    But the thing that Marya wants to do most of all is the obstacle course. When she learns that they have a leader board that displays the fastest people’s names, Marya knows that she has to win and make it on that board! She just needs to practice and practice and beat out the very-athletic Alexa. But when the time comes, will Marya win the obstacle course? Or is there more to this park than winning after all?

    ©2024 Saadia Faruqi (P)2024 Spotify Audiobooks

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