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  • Marya Khan and the Fabulous Jasmine Garden

  • Marya Khan, Book 2
  • De : Saadia Faruqi
  • Lu par : Farah Rishi
  • Durée : 1 h et 34 min

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Marya Khan and the Fabulous Jasmine Garden

De : Saadia Faruqi
Lu par : Farah Rishi
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    Perfect for fans of Ivy & Bean and Dory Fantasmagory, this charming new chapter book series by the author of the successful Yasmin series follows a Pakistani-American third-grader whose plans may backfire but whose persistence and heart are inspiring

    Marya's school is creating a community garden for students to take care of, and Marya is super excited. Not only will her third-grade class be the first to work on it, but Marya’s mom will be teaching the students all about gardening. Most importantly, one student will be chosen to lead the charge. Marya REALLY wants to be the class leader . . . but so does Alexa, her worst enemy. Cue Operation Be a Leader! Marya plans to work hard to prove she can be in charge, but nothing she does seems to make a difference. Birds keep destroying the plants, and none of Marya's classmates want to listen to her. Can Marya bring everyone together and make the most beautiful, fabulous garden the school has ever seen?

    ©2023 Saadia Faruqi (P)2022 OrangeSky Audio

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