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Couverture de Market Research Like a Pro

Market Research Like a Pro

De : Pooja Agnihotri
Lu par : Andrew Doyle
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    The wisdom from Sun Tzu's world-famous book, The Art of War, has been widely applied by many top-class CEOs to drive their businesses to success. One of the quotes from his book reads, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” That translates to business as, “If you know yourself, your customers, and your competitors, you need not fear about your business anymore.” But how can entrepreneurs and business owners do that? The answer is market research.

    Market research is the magic elixir that can give you that extra edge you always wanted over your competitors. It can help entrepreneurs in launching successful startups within their limited resources; it can even help small business owners from getting their businesses taken over by giant corporations.

    My book, Market Research Like a Pro, is written for the sole purpose of helping businesses not just understand the role market research plays in the success of a business, but also in learning the easiest ways of incorporating it into their day-to-day business operations.

    In this book, entrepreneurs and small business owners are going to learn:

    • How to create a market research plan
    • How to collect data through market research
    • Where should businesses look for data?
    • And most importantly, how to put the collected data into action

    After listening to this book, Sun Tzu will have nothing on you.

    ©2021 Pooja Agnihotri (P)2021 Pooja Agnihotri

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