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Couverture de Love Poems for the Office

Love Poems for the Office

De : John Kenney
Lu par : John Kenney
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    In the spirit of his Love Poems collections, as well as his wildly popular New Yorker pieces, New York Times best seller and Thurber Prize-winner John Kenney returns with a hilarious new collection of poetry - for office life.

    With the same brilliant wit and biting realism that made Love Poems for Married People, Love Poems for People with Children, and Love Poems for Anxious People such hits, John Kenney is back with a brand new collection that tackles the hilarity of life in the office. From waiting in line for the printer and revising spreadsheet after spreadsheet, to lukewarm coffee, office politics, and the daily patterns of your most annoying - and lovable - coworkers, Kenney masterfully captures the warmth and humor of working the "9 to 5" in today's modern era.

    ©2020 John Kenney (P)2020 Penguin Audio

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