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Couverture de Love Poems for People with Children

Love Poems for People with Children

De : John Kenney
Lu par : John Kenney
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    One of Fredericksburg Free Lance Star's Best Books of 2019 

    In the spirit of his wildly popular New Yorker pieces and the New York Times best seller Love Poems for Married People, Thurber Prize winner John Kenney presents a hilarious new collection of poetry for people with children.

    With the same brilliant wit and hilarious realism that made Love Poems for Married People such a hit, John Kenney is back with a brand new collection of poems, this time taking on the greatest "joy" in life: children. Kenney covers it all, from newborns, toddlers, and sleep deprivation, to the terrible twos, terrible tweens, and terrible teens. A parent's love is unconditional, but sometimes that button can't help but be pushed. Between back to school shopping, summer vacations that never end, the awkwardness of puberty, the inevitable post-college moving back in, and more, a parent's job is never done, whether they like it or not.

    ©2019 John Kenney (P)2020 Penguin Audio


    "[A] hilarious look into parenting." (Today)

    "Often profound, often hilarious, Kenney captures what it's like to raise a human being from the ground up." (Cleveland Scene)

    "[Love Poems for People with Children] will be immediately relatable to all parents and a much needed laugh. So the next time you're hiding out in a public restroom, like the subject in one of the poems, give this book a read." (Parkersburg News & Sentinel)

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