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Couverture de Love Layoff

Love Layoff

De : Nakisha Gregory, Jahnni Allen
Lu par : Lisa Quesada
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    Embark on a transformative journey of healing and renewal with "Love Layoff," a comprehensive guide to navigating relationship closure with grace and resilience. In this insightful book, Strategic Relationship Advisor Nakisha J. Gregory and Employee Relations Expert & Positive Psychology Certified Coach Jahnni Allen offer practical strategies, transformative exercises, and heartfelt guidance for anyone seeking closure and renewal after a breakup.

    From the Heartbreak Audit to the Closure Performance Review, each chapter delves into essential topics like self-reflection, emotional wellness, boundary setting, and building a supportive community. Listeners are guided through exercises and reflective questions designed to illuminate their path toward healing and growth. At its core, "Love Layoff" is a beacon of hope and empowerment for anyone facing the challenges of relationship closure. With its compassionate approach and actionable advice, this book is a trusted companion on the journey toward emotional liberation and renewed optimism in love.

    Whether you're seeking closure, clarity, or a fresh start, "Love Layoff" offers invaluable guidance and support to help you navigate the complexities of relationship closure with grace and resilience. Start your journey to healing today with "Love Layoff" and discover the path to a renewed, resilient, and optimistic life. Embrace the tools and insights provided to rebuild your self-esteem, find inner peace, and open your heart to new possibilities. Let this book be your companion in turning heartbreak into a powerful opportunity for personal transformation and lasting happiness.

    ©2024 Nakisha J. Gregory and Jahnni Allen (P)2024 Nakisha J. Gregory and Jahnni Allen

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