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Couverture de Kraken Rider Z

Kraken Rider Z

De : David Estes, Dyrk Ashton
Lu par : Tim Gerard Reynolds
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    If there's one thing dragons fear, it's a kraken.

    Even lowly hull-scrubber Zee Tarrow knows that. Like everyone on the island kingdom of Tosh, he grew up frightened by fables and horrible tales of the great beasts of the deep. It seems an odd thing to impress upon the children of the realm, because–luckily for the dragons and their riders–no one has seen a kraken in a thousand years.

    Then again, Tosh's lifeblood is the sea. Royal Dragon Knights guard the king's ships from the constant threat of pirates, hostile empires, and the monstrous horrors that dwell beneath the waves. It makes sense that the people would fear krakens, even after generations of Knights graduate and take flight from the ramparts of Triumf’s Citadel, the country's most elite–and therefore also exclusive–military academy. A school that Zee, who has barely ever had more than two copper pennies to rub together, should have no chance of getting into.

    Thing is...Zee has a secret. He’s not only seen a kraken....

    He saved its life.

    When that truth gets out, will Zee be hunted by the Dragon Knights he has always envied and admired, or will he become the first Kraken Rider in history?

    From the minds of David Estes and Dyrk Ashton, authors of the Fatemarked series and the Paternus Trilogy, comes a series perfect for fans of Iron Prince, Mage Errant, and Ascendant. Kraken Rider Z is an action-packed fantasy series with lots of heart and the kind of unbreakable bond between man and beast that hasn't existed for centuries. Start your adventure today!

    ©2023 David Estes and Dyrk Ashton (P)2023 Audible, Inc.

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