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Couverture de Keep Rolling

Keep Rolling

De : Jon Jordan
Lu par : Erik Hansen
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    Embark on a riveting journey through the intricate world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with "Keep Rolling" by Jon Jordan. In this captivating exploration, Jordan delves beyond mere technique manuals, offering a thought-provoking discourse on the fascinating phenomena that unfold on the BJJ mats.

    Unlike conventional "how-to" guides, "Keep Rolling" serves as a captivating discussion that spans a myriad of topics, from the perennial debates surrounding training styles to the nuanced strategies and profound psychological effects inherent in martial arts practice.

    With eloquence and insight, Jordan invites listeners to delve deeper into the essence of BJJ, making this book an enthralling listen for martial arts aficionados of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner seeking profound insights or a fresh white belt eager to unravel the mysteries of the art, "Keep Rolling" promises an enriching experience for every listener.

    Engaging, enlightening, and endlessly entertaining, "Keep Rolling" is a must-listen for anyone passionate about martial arts and the boundless wisdom it bestows. Dive into this book and discover the profound significance of perseverance, strategy, and the relentless pursuit of excellence on and off the mats.

    ©2024 Jonathan Jordan (P)2024 Jonathan Jordan

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