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  • Kaizen, Shinrin-Yoku, Kintsugi

  • The Triple Japanese Way to Find Happiness and Life Purpose
  • De : Clarissa Mona
  • Lu par : Gary Tredwell
  • Durée : 3 h et 39 min

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Couverture de Kaizen, Shinrin-Yoku, Kintsugi

Kaizen, Shinrin-Yoku, Kintsugi

De : Clarissa Mona
Lu par : Gary Tredwell
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    Changing your life has never been easier! Are you looking for an effective method for your personal growth and that of your business? Then this is the audiobook for you!

    What if I told you that you don't need immense effort or nights on the computer to get the results you've always wanted? The Kaizen method is a revolutionary approach introduced in Japan in the last century, but only recently landed in all the world.

    It is a real mindest that will help you improve yourself and your activities day by day, step by step.

    You've been trying for years and never been able to? Have you written dozens of lists of good intentions, but never completed a single one? What you were missing was the kaizen! A philosophy combined with a practical method that makes every goal achievable.

    In this audiobook, which best summarizes all the teachings used in Japan, you will learn:

    • What are Kaizen, Shinrin-Yoku and Kintsugi, and why is it so important.
    • What are the factors that are blocking your growth now?
    • To build a decision-making mindset dedicated to growth, both for yourself and your business.
    • Increase your productivity and that of your company by eliminating muda.
    • How to become a better leader.
    • The essential tools to apply the Kaizen method.
    • Adopt healthy and lasting habits that will make any improvement easy and automatic over time.
    • How to apply Kaizen to your life: time management, diet, fitness, achieving personal goals.

    Get great results with a few well-balanced efforts. Embrace a world of infinite growth and infinite possibilities. Improve yourself and achieve success, one step after another.

    ©2022 Clarissa Mona (P)2023 Clarissa Mona

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