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  • Ikigai

  • Achieving Happiness & Harmony with Yourself and with Others, Guiding by the Ancient Japanese Philosophy
  • De : Clarissa Mona
  • Lu par : Gary Tredwell
  • Durée : 3 h et 36 min

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De : Clarissa Mona
Lu par : Gary Tredwell
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    Find your purpose and start fulfilling your destiny.

    Do you feel like you are not living life to the fullest, or pursuing goals that don't represent your idea of happiness? Do you think you need a change of course that would allow you to make sense of the thousands of daily commitments? If you answered yes then I suggest you continue reading...

    According to the Japanese philosophy of Ikigai, the existence of each of us has a purpose, a real mission that must be pursued to find maximum gratification in our days. It is no coincidence that anyone who has discovered what their purpose is is happier, more satisfied, energetic, and able to face any difficulty that fate puts before them. Living life according to our ikigai leads to enormous benefits in personal and work relationships, and it allows us to act as fulfilled and successful people full of joy in carrying out our projects.

    In the audiobook Ikigai you will discover how to achieve all this, learning to:

    • Take advantage of the countless benefits of ikigai
    • Find your ikigai, stop living for the day, and make sense of your days
    • Say goodbye to bad habits that do not allow you to achieve your goals
    • Free yourself from your past, future, work, materialism, and prejudices
    • Practice self-reflection and understand its enormous value for your personal growth
    • Achieve happiness by assigning a purpose to your life--the purpose that will make you complete
    • And much more!

    Your every day will be permeated by vibrations of positivity getting up in the morning with the desire to carry out your projects until you reach your goals with renewed enthusiasm. What are you waiting for? Click "buy" and become the best version of yourself thanks to the ancient Japanese philosophy of Ikigai!

    ©2022 Clarissa Mona (P)2023 Clarissa Mona

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