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Couverture de Joint Custody

Joint Custody

De : Lauren Baratz-Logsted, Jackie Logsted
Lu par : Barrett Leddy
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    A mischievous dog takes matters into his own paws when his beloved owners split up in this offbeat romantic comedy.

    The Man has custody Monday through Friday, The Woman has custody on the weekends. But that's not enough for Gatz, who will do anything to bring them back together - even if it kills him. And it almost did. Of course he knows chocolate is bad for him, especially two whole pounds of it, but it’s the risk he's willing to take to get them back together.

    Gatz knows that The Man and The Woman are perfect for each other - how can they not see it, too? She is an editor and he's a writer. She's a social butterfly and he's as introverted as a guy can get.  After the misguided death-by-chocolate attempt, Gatz thinks he still has time. But when New Man - so handsome, so nice, so perfect - enters The Woman's life, he realizes he'll need to step up his game. And you know what they say: drastic times call for drastic doggy measures. 

    A laugh-out-loud romance that will touch your heart and make you want a furry friend of your own.

    ©2021 Lauren Baratz-Logsted (P)2021 Penguin Audio


    "Lauren Baratz-Logsted and her daughter Jackie Logsted have written a funny, wise and sparkling romp.  Gatz is a dog on a mission. Determined to keep his owners together by any means necessary, he takes matters into his own paws and rewrites a love story destined for disaster. A delight from my new favorite mother/daughter writing team." (Adriana Trigiani, best-selling author of Tony's Wife)

    "A laugh-out-loud rom-com set in New York City’s publishing world.... This touching, hilarious outing is worthy of two paws up." (Publishers Weekly, starred review)

    "A hilarious rom-com unfolds in this adorable novel written by a mother-daughter duo.... A fun delight!" (Woman's World)

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