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Couverture de Inspiring Stories for Amazing Kids

Inspiring Stories for Amazing Kids

De : Nadia Ross, Special Art Stories
Lu par : Brad Grochowski
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    Hello little listener! Have you ever dreamt of going on an adventure or achieving a goal of your own?

    Maybe you imagined yourself a pirate? Or perhaps a fire-breathing dragon? Or a princess or prince with a castle and a kingdom to rule? It is wonderful how your imagination can take you to new worlds and on new adventures.

    How many times in your everyday real life have you had difficulties, felt new emotions, wanted to develop a passion, or worked hard to achieve something? All of us have experienced similar things in different ways.

    In this book, you will find a beautiful collection of inspiring stories.

    Each one is filled with an incredible message. Even though the characters come from imaginary places, they still experience the same emotions, ideas, dreams, and desires that you feel every day. Explore these fairy tale worlds and discover how the heroes of the stories overcome their challenges. While listening, think about how they achieve their goals and reach their dreams.

    Take these stories into your heart and mind and think of them when you experience similar problems, issues, or adventures. Even when things get tough, you can behave and act as your heroes do. And remember, you are the main character in your story!

    What you will find in this book:

    •10 Inspiring Stories for Boys and Girls about self-esteem, courage, inner strength, and self-love.

    •Identification with the characters, who, although fictional, are always combined with themes from children's real lives

    •Morals and Messages of Life with reflections and involvement in the narrative

    Kids love this book and it helps them to:

    •Believe in their dreams

    •Develop confidence in themselves and their abilities

    •Cope better with difficult situations

    Click on "buy now" and help a child never stop dreaming and believing in himself!

    ©2022 Special Art (P)2023 Special Art

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