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  • You Are a Loved Boy

  • A Collection of Inspiring Stories About Family, Friendship, Self-Confidence and Love (Motivational Books for Children, Book 8)
  • De : Nadia Ross, Special Art Stories
  • Lu par : Brad Grochowski
  • Durée : 1 h et 57 min

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Couverture de You Are a Loved Boy

You Are a Loved Boy

De : Nadia Ross, Special Art Stories
Lu par : Brad Grochowski
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    Hello! Do you know that you are an amazing and loved boy?

    You are very special. You are the only you there is in the entire world, and that’s out of billions of people! You are smart, funny, courageous, unique, and there are a lot of people that love and support you. This is something that you should always remember.

    This book will introduce you to a group of boys who go through the same things you do every day. They are scared, worried, and sometimes, they don’t win right away. They work hard, learn from their mistakes, and keep trying. These boys get discouraged, doubt their abilities, and sometimes almost give up, but thanks to the support of their family members and loved ones, they always learn new things and find the self-confidence to overcome difficult moments.

    You are a very lucky boy to have so many people love and support you. Your relationship with your parents and family can give you confidence and help you spread your wings through the world. The connection you have with your loved ones will inspire you to do many things you may not have tried before. You are a loved and amazing boy.

    What you will find in this book:

    • 10 Inspiring Stories for Boys about family, friendship, self-confidence, and love.
    • Identification with the characters, who, although fictional, are always combined with themes from children's real lives
    • Morals and messages of life with reflections and involvement in the narrative

    Boys love this book and it helps them to:

    • Believe in their dreams
    • Develop confidence in themselves and their abilities
    • Cope better with difficult situations
    • Overcome fears and be brave
    • Understand the importance of relationships with parents and friends

    Buy this audiobook, and help a boy never stop dreaming and believing in himself!

    ©2022 Special Art (P)2023 Special Art

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