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  • Influence People

  • 50 Proven Strategies on How to Influence People by Learning the Psychology of Persuasion in Order to Win Friends and Persuade Others
  • De : Mark Creed
  • Lu par : Michelle Thompson
  • Durée : 2 h et 33 min

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Influence People

De : Mark Creed
Lu par : Michelle Thompson
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    If you want to go after the job you want (and get it!), improve your current job and excel in it, turn any situation around and make it work for you, or persuade others into doing things the way you want, then this book is for you!

    Throughout this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn 50 different ways to influence people in the workplace, at home, and in social interactions. This book isn't simply about changing people's minds or convincing them what you want them to do is right.

    In this book, you will discover the below:

    1. Understanding influencing definitions and all aspects.
    2. Defining mind games and tricks.
    3. 50 proven strategies and tactics on how to influence and persuade others.
    4. How to get anyone to like you.
    5. The NLP to influence.
    6. How to use body language effectively to convince others.
    7. Effective steps to increase the way you can influence others.
    8. Falsifying non-verbal communication.
    9. Speech pattern recognition

    And much more! Achieve your maximum potential with this pause-resister today!

    ©2020 Mark Creed (P)2020 Mark Creed

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