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Couverture de Creating Forever

Creating Forever

De : Sue Langford
Lu par : Michelle Thompson
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    When she walked into his life then, he wasn’t prepared for the storm that was about to ensue. Now, she was back, but what had she brought with her? Had she changed her mind on being with Cam and just came for a goodbye?

    Jaxon had paced that porch for what felt like forever and now, the only question he had was if she was there for him...for there forever….or if she was there to say goodbye in person. He hoped that forever was on her mind.

    Mia had gone through a whirlwind and all she wanted now was to be in his arms and never let go…but had he given in and given Shelly another chance while she was gone?

    Forever is a long time, and a long road to walk down together. Would they make it or would they walk separate paths?

    From the author of Love at the Line, The Revenge Series and Creating Love comes the conclusion to the romance that we all love - the story of Mia and Jaxon - The Charleston Series.

    ©2023 Sue Langford (P)2024 Sue Langford

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