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Couverture de I Wasn’t OK

I Wasn’t OK

De : Donna Edwards-Hawthorne
Lu par : Susan Prater
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    Often, it is hard to forget about the hard times. Often, it becomes impossible to see through all the darkness, wondering if there's any silver lining in the terrifying thunder of life. However, the difficult days turn you into the empowered person you become in the end. The difficult days remind you that they are only temporary, and there is always hope in the end—hope to carry on with your life and live it with a better perspective.

    Through Donna Edwards-Hawthorne's personal life story, she intends to remind you that your hope will be the light in all the darkness. Having grown up in Jamaica, Donna narrates her tell-all tale about all the hardships in her childhood life, aiming to inspire you towards an attitude of never giving up. Why not be your biggest supporter and make it through life's darkest days instead of putting yourself down and struggling? After all, it will only be you sticking up for yourself till the end of time—no one else.

    ©2022 Donna Edwards-Hawthorne (P)2022 Donna Edwards-Hawthorne

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