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  • The Art of Spiritual Surrender

  • Transform Your Soul, Find Inner Peace, and Achieve Personal Growth by Trusting in God
  • De : Jovana Diaz
  • Lu par : Susan Prater
  • Durée : 4 h et 25 min

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The Art of Spiritual Surrender

De : Jovana Diaz
Lu par : Susan Prater
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    It’s time to let go of control and open your heart to peace and growth. The key? Surrender. You may think of surrender as a sign of weakness, but it’s actually a pathway to great strength. We’re taught that control and ambition are qualities of success, and in times of struggle, you might expect yourself to step up and embrace those qualities. But this can build walls that keep you from healing and spiritual growth.

    Whether you believe in God, energy, or the universe, surrendering helps you get closer to a higher power, recognize human limitations, release unhelpful attachments, and find inner peace. Surrender has extraordinary transformative powers, building the strength needed to embrace personal growth.

    Embracing vulnerability, Jovana Diaz uses her own story to guide you through the seven keys to spiritual growth. Inside this guide to transformation and healing, you’ll discover:

    • Why spiritual growth is necessary and why surrender is a key strength.
    • Five transformative doors that open with spiritual connection.
    • The number one thing to give up for healing and growth, with five actions to aid surrender.
    • How shedding material possessions can release what holds you back.
    • Recognizing toxic people with lessons from the Bible, and finding strength to walk away.
    • Accessing the path toward inner peace and understanding the role of pain.
    • How Joseph transformed hate into love and the power you gain by doing the same.
    • Five practices for releasing resentment and harnessing forgiveness.
    • Why your mindset isn’t serving you.
    • How God can help carry your burdens, with practical advice for surrender.
    • A tool to manifest gratitude and its surprising benefits.

    When everything is shaking, surrendering might feel like the last thing to do, but it’s powerful and easier than you realize. Surrendering opens up strength and welcomes peace into your heart, leading to spiritual growth and happiness. Discover the secrets of surrendering and open yourself to the growth you crave.

    ©2024 Jovana Diaz (P)2024 Jovana Diaz

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