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  • How to Seduce a Man: A Proven Guide in 6 Secrets Steps to Get and Seduce the Man You Desire

  • De : Danya Reggiani
  • Lu par : Angela Taylor
  • Durée : 45 min

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How to Seduce a Man: A Proven Guide in 6 Secrets Steps to Get and Seduce the Man You Desire

De : Danya Reggiani
Lu par : Angela Taylor
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    With this audiobook you will learn:

    1. What men want in a woman, and why being unapologetically feminine attracts the BEST kinds of men.
    2. How to get a boyfriend using the best tactic that can captivate the heart of even the most unattainable man.
    3. How to understand men and what makes them WANT to commit to a woman.
    4. How to keep a man interested in you by giving him the ONE thing he needs even MORE than SEX.
    5. How to be a good girlfriend and make him see you as "The One" by displaying a RARE quality that few women possess.
    6. How to seduce a man and make him fall in love with you again and again by using a secret weapon that EVERY woman was born with (and's not what you think).
    7. How to escalate his emotional intimacy and keep your man happy (and helplessly HOOKED on you) without being a doormat.

    And much, much more...

    About the author:

    I am 44 years old. I’m an Italian Woman.

    I am now a happy woman. After so many problems and wrong partners, I understood what I had to do to live a happy life and find the right man. 

    I want to share my secrets with you in this book so that you too can be serene and happy by finding the man you want.

    Follow me. I’m ready to reveal other secrets about men.

    Find me on Kindle Amazon. -Danya Reggiani

    ©2018 Danya Reggiani (P)2018 Danya Reggiani

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