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  • Decluttering Your Home: 8 Simple Everyday Minimalism Techniques to Declutter Your Home & Mind

  • With Meditations for Spirituality, Mindfulness, Healthy Habits and Self Affirmations
  • De : Lauren Marshall
  • Lu par : Angela Taylor
  • Durée : 1 h et 8 min

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Decluttering Your Home: 8 Simple Everyday Minimalism Techniques to Declutter Your Home & Mind

De : Lauren Marshall
Lu par : Angela Taylor
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    If you plan on clearing your home and mind and want to get the highest possible satisfaction in your daily life, then keep reading...

    Time magazine recently discovered that over 40 million Americans are suffering from stress and anxiety. And while doctors love to prescribe potentially dangerous drugs to “treat” these disorders, many people are missing out on the easiest way to alleviate stress and anxiety...without even realizing. Could you be one of them?

    You see, most people make the same mistakes in renovating their mind and body. You may even make more costly errors which causes you to lose mental and even physical well-being.

    But now, you can stay informed with easy to apply tips, which won’t cost you a penny, and you can do from the comfort of your home.

    Decluttering and minimalism can greatly improve your life.

    While the urge to collect clutter is certainly common, it is also ultimately detrimental to your well-being. The constant accumulation of possessions can make the entire vibe of your home chaotic and unorganized. 

    As the late comedian George Carlin famously quoted in his standup routine, “a house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff.”

    Decluttering and minimalism emphasize finding happiness via exploring life, interacting with your loved ones, and, most of all, by focusing upon creating a state of mind that makes you happy.

    Inside this book, you’ll discover:

    • Why society programs us to accumulate clutter
    • How clutter affects your health physical health
    • Why freeing yourself from clutter may be the most important decision you make this year
    • The surprising benefits of meditation for your sleeping habits 
    • How to use decluttering to get over a bad relationship 
    • The three types of meditation and which one is right for you
    • How to use decluttering to boost your confidence 
    • Simple exercises for everyday mindfulness you can do at home with no extra cost 
    • How to meditate, even if you’ve never done it before in your life 
    • How to prevent your mind from wandering during meditation 
    • Hidden benefits of meditation you never knew about 
    • And much, much more

    Much of this advice goes against conventional wisdom. In fact, some of the advice sounds downright ridiculous to a non-professional - but time and again, the data shows that it works.

    Even applying one or two things inside could result in increase in your confidence, self-esteem, mood, sleeping patterns.

    So if you want to uncover the incredible, life-affirming benefits of decluttering, download today!

    ©2018 Lauren Marshall (P)2018 Lauren Marshall

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