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  • How to Breathe

  • 25 Simple Practices for Calm, Joy, and Resilience
  • De : Ashley Neese
  • Lu par : Ashley Neese
  • Durée : 2 h et 33 min

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How to Breathe

De : Ashley Neese
Lu par : Ashley Neese
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    A simple guide to breathwork by a lauded expert that takes you through 25 simple practices for everyday situations, such as de-stressing, managing anger, falling asleep, connecting with others, and more.

    In How to Breathe, breathwork expert Ashley Neese gives practical guidance for channeling the power of your breath to help you tackle common challenges with mindfulness and serenity.

    The audiobook first introduces you to the foundations of breathwork, outlining the research-supported benefits of the practice and explaining how the breath relates to emotions and resilience. Neese then offers 25 customized practices she has created for clients over the last decade. Each practice features an introduction explaining the origin, benefits, and purpose of the breathwork, followed by step-by-step instructions and post-practice notes.

    How to Breathe shows how small exercises can have a huge impact on daily health and happiness.

    ©2019 Ashley Neese (P)2019 Random House Audio


    “I have been a terrible breather - a chronic hyperventilator when I get tired and stressed - for my entire life. And then I met Ashley: She taught me how to focus on the exhale, to fully empty my lungs - and in the process, she gave me back control over this issue that has plagued my adult life.” (Elise Loehnen, chief content officer, Goop)

    “Living in 'survival mode' in our 24/7 world has health consequences on our moods, weight, hormones, immune system - even our outlook on life. The breath is the most important tool we have for finding and sustaining inner calm. How to Breathe is a beautiful touchstone filled with simple practices that can help you to shift quickly from feeling overwhelmed, out of balance, and frazzled into a sense of well-being - something we all want more of in this day and time.” (Aviva Romm, MD, author, The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution)

    “The modern world is moving ever-so-fast, and we are experiencing the effects within ourselves, and without. Not leaving us unaided or without answers, Ashley Neese graciously responds to our essential need to sustain our well-being in How to Breathe. This is a necessary text for our modern, steadily changing times.” (Lalah Delia, founder, Vibrate Higher Daily)

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