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  • How to Be the Best Car Salesperson

  • A Beginners Guide to Master the Act of Selling More Cars and Build an Amazing Customer Relationship
  • De : Leon Ehumadu
  • Lu par : KC Wayman
  • Durée : 3 h et 8 min

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How to Be the Best Car Salesperson

De : Leon Ehumadu
Lu par : KC Wayman
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    How to Be the Best Car Salesperson

    By Leon Ehumadu
    Break out of your sales rut, edge out your competitors, and skyrocket your sales.
    Selling cars is not for the faint-hearted.

    As a car salesperson, you have a lot stacked against you.

    Not only are you competing against other salespeople in your dealership, but you're also competing against other sellers, other car brands, and even other forms of transportation.

    What's more, you're also vying for a share of a customers budget, among the many other financial needs they need to spend for.

    If you've been selling cars for a while now, you know what its like to be rejected, to have months with zero sales, and to feel like you're headed nowhere.

    How many times have you gotten your hopes up by a customer, only to be ignored and disappointed?

    How often have you heard No, Not right now, Lets see, or I'll think about it?

    How many long hours have you put in studying, researching, finding, and talking to customers without the income to show for it?

    If you're tired of working your butt off for nothing, it's time to change your strategy.

    Written by an experienced and bestselling car salesman, this book will give you all the tools and skills to step up your sales game and move a lot more inventory.

    In this guide to excelling in car sales, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:

    • How to break into and find success in car sales, regardless of your educational background or work experience
    • How you can bounce back from rejection and gain the confidence to actually seek it out
    • Powerfully impactful sales tactics that will make you stand out from the competition
    • How to overcome the fears that are holding you back from reaching your potential as a salesperson
    • The one thing you must always include in every advertising material, both online and offline
    ©2022 Leon (P)2024 Stunnin Blu LLC

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