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Couverture de House of Odysseus

House of Odysseus

De : Claire North
Lu par : Catrin Walker-Booth
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    Following the critically acclaimed Ithaca comes House of Odysseus, the second novel in Claire North's Songs of Penelope trilogy - an exquisite, gripping tale that breathes life into ancient myth. This is the story of Penelope of Ithaca, famed wife of Odysseus, as it has never been told before.

    On the island of Ithaca, queen Penelope maintains a delicate balance of power. Many years ago, her husband Odysseus sailed to war with Troy and never returned. In his absence, Penelope uses all her cunning to keep the peace - but this is shattered with the arrival of Orestes, King of Mycenae.

    Orestes, son of Agamemnon, is mad. Wracked with guilt for putting his own mother to death, he grows ever more unhinged. But a king cannot be seen to be weak. To keep him safe from the ambitious men of Mycenae, his sister Elektra brings him to Ithaca to recover under the protection of Penelope. But no sooner has Orestes arrived then his uncle Menelaus, the blood-soaked king of Sparta, comes looking for him. Menelaus hungers for Orestes' throne - and if he can seize it, no one will be safe from his violent whims.

    Caught between Sparta and Mycenae, Penelope must protect Ithaca from two mad kings on the edge of war. Her only allies are Elektra, desperate to protect her brother, and Helen of Troy, Menelaus' wife. Each woman has a secret, and their secrets will shape the world...

    ©2023 Claire North (P)2023 Hachette Audio UK


    "Claire North brings a powerful, fresh and unflinching voice to ancient myth." (Jennifer Saint, author of Sunday Times bestseller Ariadne)

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