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  • History of Greece

  • An Enthralling Overview of Greek History
  • De : Billy Wellman
  • Lu par : Jay Herbert
  • Durée : 4 h et 23 min

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Couverture de History of Greece

History of Greece

De : Billy Wellman
Lu par : Jay Herbert
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    It’s really here: Greece’s entire history encapsulated in one volume!

    This audiobook takes listeners on a succinct journey from Greece’s first settlements all the way to the 20th century. Its easy-to-follow yet meticulously-researched narrative will captivate history buffs, students, and anyone interested in learning more about Greece.

    This concise overview covers Greece’s Stone Age and Bronze Age civilizations, its archaic and classical eras, its centuries under Roman rule, and the fascinating Byzantine Empire. It travels through Greece’s period under the Turkish Ottoman Empire, then its emancipation and formation of a parliamentary democracy that continued into the 20th century.

    Here are some of the questions this audiobook will answer about Greece’s riveting history:

    • How did a catastrophic volcanic eruption impact Greece’s first advanced civilization?
    • Did the Trojan War really happen?
    • How did the Greeks defeat the Persians’ million-man army?
    • Which classical Greeks theorized that constantly moving atoms form all matter?
    • How did Alexander the Great conquer the Persian Empire in less than a decade?
    • Why was the New Testament first written in Koine Greek?
    • Why did the Byzantine Empire persist after the Western Roman Empire fell?
    • What Byzantine emperor’s daughter was a medical doctor and history writer?
    • How did a secret organization help free Greece from the Ottoman Empire?
    • Which Greek king died of a monkey bite?
    ©2023 Billy Wellman (P)2023 Billy Wellman

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