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Couverture de Healing Power

Healing Power

De : Greg Mitchell
Lu par : Greg Mitchell
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    You can discover the foundation of healing power, and how to release that power in your body. In this book, your faith will be stirred as you examine God’s word concerning healing and listen to testimonies.

    God has granted every believer the authority to use his power to bring healing to others. Many believers and pastors have made divine healing too complicated–which hinders healing. Greg Mitchell has written this audiobook to stir your faith and give practical instructions in:

    • How to build your faith for healing.
    • How to understand the spiritual nature of sickness.
    • How to overcome intimidation when you are struggling with sickness personally.
    • How to pray for the sick—with practical instructions.
    • How to plan, prepare, and run a healing service or miracle crusade.
    • And much more!

    Because Jesus is alive—you can experience healing power!

    ©2023 Greg Mitchell (P)2023 Greg Mitchell

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