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  • Uprooting Rejection

  • Identifying and Eliminating the Rejection Mindset
  • De : Greg Mitchell
  • Lu par : Greg Mitchell
  • Durée : 6 h et 26 min

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Uprooting Rejection

De : Greg Mitchell
Lu par : Greg Mitchell
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    Are you tired of feeling stuck in your emotions, relationships, and spiritual life? Discover the powerful results of uprooting rejection in this life-changing book.

    In this book, you will learn how to identify and uproot rejection in your life, leading to emotional healing, healthier relationships, and a deeper connection with God.

    - Uncover the roots of rejection and how they affect you on a daily basis.

    - Learn how to identify and break free from unhealthy mindsets caused by rejection.

    - Discover the different manifestations of rejection in your life and how to overcome them.

    - Gain practical tools and strategies for healing and deliverance from rejection.

    - Find freedom and wholeness in your emotions, relationships, and spiritual walk.

    What's included in the book:

    - Biblical principles and insights on the topic of rejection.

    - Personal stories and experiences from the author's journey of overcoming rejection.

    - Testimonies from others who have found healing and freedom from rejection through the principles in this book.

    This book is a must-listen for anyone looking to break free from the bondage of rejection and live a life of emotional and spiritual freedom.

    ©2024 Greg S. Mitchell (P)2024 Greg S. Mitchell

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