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  • Haunted Louisiana

  • Ghost Stories and Paranormal Activity from the State of Louisiana (Haunted States Series)
  • De : Sarah Ashley
  • Lu par : Elizabeth J. Taylor
  • Durée : 2 h et 12 min

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Haunted Louisiana

De : Sarah Ashley
Lu par : Elizabeth J. Taylor
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    Louisiana is one of the most captivating and visually stunning states in the South, with a long and fascinating history that has meshed cultures, religions, and races. Due to its storied past and unique blend of inhabitants, Louisiana is also known as one of the most haunted states in America.

    Within Louisiana there is a plethora of historic landmarks, each having their own story of times gone by. Many of these locations, beautiful as they may be, are riddled with mysterious stories of ghosts and paranormal activity.

    New Orleans, the largest city in the state, has a long history of devastation and disaster. There are many alleged ghosts and ghouls that reside in this beautiful and eclectic southern city. Many of them had their lives tragically cut short, taken before their time and have not yet 'crossed over' to the other side. Legend has it that these spirits often stroll along the streets, haunt the hotels, lurk in the swamps and live among us in a state of restless confusion, effectively trapped between two worlds.

    Join ghost hunter Sarah Ashley, as she shares with you some of the most chilling ghost stories and tales of paranormal activity from the State of Louisiana. She will take you to some of the most haunted houses in the French Quarter to some of the most haunted Louisiana plantations.

    ©2013 Sarah Ashley and D & D Publishing (P)2013 Sarah Ashley and D & D Publishing

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