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Couverture de Haunted Artifacts

Haunted Artifacts

De : Sarah Ashley
Lu par : Kimberley Mesiti
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    In this book, you are about to discover some of the creepiest and most intriguing haunted objects ever owned by people just like you. Many times, these individuals do not even realize these haunted items are in their possession - until it is too late.

    In her latest book, ghost hunter and author Sarah Ashley, will highlight some of the most popular (and some lesser known) stories of haunted objects that have come to life, scared the life out of their owners, caused mayhem and panic, and in some cases, are murderous.

    It may be hard to believe, but in the supernatural world, there are no limits to objects that can be possessed. Dolls and stuffed animals, paintings, clothing, chairs, antique furniture, jewelry, cars and mirrors are among the most commonly haunted items paranormal professionals have come across.

    For years, supernatural psychological horror films have earned box office millions. Both believers and non-believers alike flock to movies when they involve the possibility that a seemingly harmless object might have supernatural capabilities. It might seem to some that these movies are the work of a very creative writer. However, as you are about to learn, many of these stories are either documented as factual or based on factual events with a little drama placed in for cinematic enhancement. Join Sarah as she separates the myths from the facts.

    Finally, in the last section of this book, Sarah takes you behind the scenes of haunted movie sets. It seems that for decades, ghosts and poltergeists have haunted certain movie sets and production crews, often causing tragic accidents and rumors of unspeakable mishaps. Learn which movie sets are filled with ironic, scary and unexplainable incidences.

    Sarah Ashley's latest book is truly tantalizing and one you won't want to miss!

    ©2014 D & D Publishing (P)2016 D & D Publishing

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