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  • Habits of Love

  • Daily Self-Care: Achieve Your True Potential and Enjoy the Glory of Love
  • De : Dan Hartman
  • Lu par : Nigel Lavers
  • Durée : 4 h et 21 min

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Habits of Love

De : Dan Hartman
Lu par : Nigel Lavers
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    Achieve your true potential and enjoy the glory of love.

    Learn to use love as the lever of action, turning minor problems into major advantages.

    Recognize the habit of love in your life, just now, and pilot your life to glorious fulfilment in everyday happiness with complete enjoyment through real awakening.

    Habits of Love: Daily Self-Care offers experienced guidance through:

    • Understanding habits
    • Deducing self-care
    • Originating circumstances
    • Setting love goals
    • Living a life of love

    Dan Hartman promotes us all in our quest of fulfilment, artfully, and with absolute mastery. The fortunate few who already know what love is, feel reassured. Anyone still searching for love will find confidence in this fresh, new awakening look at everyone's need to experience it with practical every day habits. His understanding of the microscale of our thoughts and macroscale of our emotions brings an elegant and warm, yet distinct and clear, path to follow.

    The tiny power of highly effective habits may be atomic, but not without one key element. This secret component to comprehending our life's greatest mysteries lies within each and every one of us, yet few of us tap into it. What is taught about self-care habits in this book isn't taught in any other manual, book or guide. Anyone who chooses to study habits of love will realize the essential nature of this individual study that is so intimate to all of us—self-realization.

    ©2022 Nigel Lavers (P)2022 Nigel Lavers

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