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Growth IQ

De : Tiffani Bova
Lu par : Tiffani Bova
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    'A worthy successor to Michael Porter, Bova's book is that rare gift: it opens doors for new ideas and new actions. No glib answers here, simply hard-won wisdom that will provoke big changes for organizations large and small.' - Seth Godin, author of Linchpin

    The Wall Street Journal Top Ten Bestseller: The 10 strategies to sustainable growth, based on a purpose-led culture for organizations large and small.

    Tiffani Bova, the Growth and Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce, draws on her expertise as a consultant and practitioner to devise a new framework for business leaders looking to pursue growth. We're witnessing an age of endless customization, and growth strategy is no exception. There's no one size fits all strategy; a winning strategy for one business may spell doom for another.

    In Growth IQ, Bova determines that there are ten simple – but easily misunderstood – growth paths, and explains how companies can get a handle on their particular business context, and use it to determine the right combination and sequence of growth paths to take them into the future.

    Bova breaks down the strategies deployed by a wide range of companies to show you how:

    * GE and John Deere have lasted over a century and continue to thrive by combining their strategy of innovative product development with a renewed focus on R&D and customer experience.
    * Marvel transformed from a struggling comic book publisher to a global entertainment behemoth by realigning their market penetration strategy to focus on comic book characters, instead of just comic books.
    * Gateway's attempt at market expansion into brick-and-mortar retail led to its failure, while the same move by Apple has accelerated its growth.

    Whether your company is on a growth spurt, in a worrying stall, or showing signs of decline, Growth IQ is your map to charting the course of your company's future.

    ©2018 Tiffani Bova (P)2018 Macmillan Digital Audio


    Too many companies foster cultures of burnout in the pursuit of short-term growth as an end in itself. Smart growth is sustainable growth and Tiffani Bova shows us how to maintain it by building a purpose-led culture and leveraging, instead of sacrificing, the dedication of your people. (Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global and Founder)
    We all want our business to grow, but how can we make that happen? Fortunately, Tiffani Bova is here with answers. In this smart book, she reveals ten growth paths — from creating an inspiring customer experience to disrupting business as usual. And she backs her findings with solid data and examples from thriving companies. You’ve got a choice: Tread the old paths or follow Bova into the future. (Daniel H. Pink, author of When and Drive)
    A worthy successor to Michael Porter, Bova's book is that rare gift: it opens doors for new ideas and new actions. No glib answers here, simply hard-won wisdom that will provoke big changes for organizations large and small. (Seth Godin, Author of Linchpin)

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