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  • Growth IQ

  • Get Smarter About the Choices That Will Make or Break Your Business
  • De : Tiffani Bova
  • Lu par : Tiffani Bova
  • Durée : 9 h et 55 min

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Growth IQ

De : Tiffani Bova
Lu par : Tiffani Bova
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    A Wall Street Journal Best Seller

    Do you know the best way to drive your company's growth? If not, it's time to boost your growth IQ.

    Trying to find the one right move that will improve your business's performance can feel overwhelming. But, as you'll discover in Growth IQ, there are just 10 simple - but easily misunderstood - paths to growth, and every successful growth strategy can be boiled down to picking the right combination and sequence of these paths for your current context. 

    Tiffani Bova travels around the world helping companies solve their most vexing problem: how to keep growing in the face of stiff competition and a fast-changing business environment. Whether she's presenting to a Fortune 500 board of directors or brainstorming over coffee with a start-up founder, Bova cuts through the clutter and confusion that surround growth. 

    Now, she draws on her decades of experience and more than 30 fascinating, in-depth business stories to demonstrate the opportunities - and pitfalls - of each of the 10 growth paths, how they work together, and how they apply to business today. You'll see how, for instance:

    • Red Bull broke Coca-Cola and PepsiCo's stranglehold on the soft drink market by taking the Customer Base Penetration path to establish a foothold with adventure sports junkies and expand into the mainstream.
    • Marvel transformed itself from a struggling comic book publisher into a global entertainment behemoth by using a Customer and Product Diversification strategy and shifting their focus from comic books to comic book characters in movies.
    • Starbucks suffered a brand crisis when they overwhelmed their customers with a Product Expansion strategy, and brought back CEO Howard Schultz to course-correct by returning to the Customer Experience path.

    Through Bova's insightful analyses of these and many other case studies, you'll see why it can be a mistake to imitate strategies that worked for your competitors, or rely on strategies that worked for you in the past. To grow your company with confidence, you first need to grow your Growth IQ.

    ©2018 Tiffani Bova (P)2018 Penguin Audio


    "A worthy successor to Michael Porter, Bova's book is that rare gift: it opens doors for new ideas and new actions. No glib answers here, simply hard-won wisdom that will provoke big changes for organizations large and small." (Seth Godin, author of Linchpin)

    “Too many companies foster cultures of burnout in the pursuit of short-term growth as an end in itself. Smart growth is sustainable growth and Tiffani Bova shows us how to maintain it by building a purpose-led culture and leveraging, instead of sacrificing, the dedication of your people." (Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO of Thrive Global, Founder of Huffington Post

    "We all want our business to grow, but how can we make that happen? Fortunately, Tiffani Bova is here with answers. In this smart book, she reveals ten growth paths - from creating an inspiring customer experience to disrupting business as usual. And she backs her findings with solid data and examples from thriving companies. You’ve got a choice: Tread the old paths or follow Bova into the future." (Daniel H. Pink, author of When and Drive

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