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  • Grave Consequences: A Zombie Villainess LitRPG

  • Death of the Party, Book 2
  • De : Kleggt
  • Lu par : Rachel Leblang
  • Durée : 14 h et 13 min

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Grave Consequences: A Zombie Villainess LitRPG

De : Kleggt
Lu par : Rachel Leblang
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    Life as a brain-eating glitch in the System is no walk in the park—even with a Death Knight, a vampire, and an emoticon-speaking demon in tow.

    In a world in which Players fight Monsters to the death for loot and experience, Sally has managed to survive as a half-Monster/half-Player glitch in the System. With the help of her fellow Unique Monsters, she gained acceptance from the System, and they forged towns of their own in the Forest area, allowing them to live in peace without the constant threat of Players. And if there's any trouble, Sally can eat their brains. That's always fun.

    But as she heads for the second area, known as the Wastelands, to defeat the System and bring about more peace, Sally finds even bigger problems plaguing the world. While she was expecting to fight against more Monster-hating Players, it turns out she's been beaten to the buffet. The powerful Ruben, a Unique dragon, has split the area in two and is using the Players to farm gold to grow in strength.

    Sally may have a powerful Party behind her, but she's forced to level up amid the ruins of the dragon's wake, and cracks have started to form. With her brain-hungry stomach just as parched as the surrounding area, will she be able to bring justice to the Wastelands as well as uncover the secrets of the mysterious System?

    The second volume of the hit LitRPG fantasy series—with more than 900, 000 views on Royal Road—now available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and Audible!

    ©2024 Kleggt (P)2024 Podium Audio

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