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Get Promoted

De : Michael Wenderoth
Lu par : Michael Wenderoth
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    We’re told that the key to getting ahead at work is to be authentic, to be a humble “servant leader.”

    Michael Wenderoth shows us otherwise:

    • How being inauthentic can help us grow and serve us.
    • How embracing office politics is not underhanded but essential.
    • And how building power is not dirty but the real key to success.

    The truth in GET PROMOTED will probably first piss you off, but it’s going to set you free. Follow his 3-part Framework of the Rock, the Map, and the Snowball, and you’ll not only get promoted, you’ll learn about power, the force by which things really get done.

    If you feel stalled and frustrated that you’re not moving up faster or need that extra edge as you enter the next stage of your career, look no further: This is your “hard truths” playbook.

    Michael Wenderoth helps executives ethically leverage power and politics to ascend. His writing has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and international media. Prior to becoming an executive coach, Michael served 20 years in senior roles in high-growth companies in the U.S., China, and Europe. He holds an MBA from Stanford Business School and trained as an executive coach at Columbia University.

    ©2022 Michael Wenderoth (P)2023 Michael Wenderoth


    “Get Promoted is a must-read for anyone who wants to accelerate their career. Michael breaks down decades of research (so you don’t have to) and shows you exactly how to land your next role, win your next raise, and get big things done at work!” —Dorie Clark, Top 50 Business Thinkers in the World (Thinkers50), Author WSJ Bestseller The Long Game

    “Get Promoted does not have a lot of feel-good advice. But if you look critically at what Michael suggests — and put it into practice - you will move the needle on your career and your initiatives... His book is going to help a lot of people.” —Santiago Iñiguez de Onzoño, President IE University, recognized influencer in global higher education and Vice-Chairman of Headspring (owned by the Financial Times and IE Business School)

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