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  • Generation M

  • Living Well in Perimenopause and Menopause
  • De : Jessica Shepard
  • Durée : 7 h

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Generation M

De : Jessica Shepard
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    Evidence based. Lifestyle oriented. The practical guide you need for the life you want.

    Finally, here is a fresh plan for a new generation entering perimenopause and menopause. With clinical insights, actionable tips, and holistic guidance, Dr. Jessica Shepherd, a board-certified OB/GYN and women’s health advocate, redefines how to sustain the marathon of this life stage so you can make the most of your health and vitality. In Generation M, she throws out the old playbook and provides you with an empowering approach to thriving through this change and beyond. Dr. Shepherd draws upon many conversations with leading experts in nutrition, meditation, and fitness, as well as with those living through perimenopause and menopause, who’ve shared what challenges them and what helps them live vibrantly. In this book you will find:

    • Scientifically backed information and advice from a doctor and menopause expert
    • Evidence-based recommendations, tips, tools, and personal building blocks for the best health practices
    • A guided exploration of new medical research and data
    • A deep dive on the safety and efficacy of HRT, including information on what medications to take and when to take them
    • Holistic advice on how to ease your transition during this period, including recommendations for exercise, diet, sleep, mindfulness practices, and more
    • An accessible yet powerful, and at times humorous, voice from a woman who understands what you are going through

    Discover the steps you need now for the future you desire—and stay healthy, active, and fabulous along the way.

    ©2024 Jessica Shepard (P)2024 Random House Audio

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