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  • Gay Awareness

  • Discovering the Heart of the Father and the Mind of Christ on Sexuality
  • De : Landon Schott
  • Lu par : Carl Schulberg
  • Durée : 8 h et 28 min

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Gay Awareness

De : Landon Schott
Lu par : Carl Schulberg
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    Homosexuality has taken center stage in our nation, churches, and homes. Everyone knows or cares deeply for someone who experiences same-sex attraction, sexual confusion, or practices homosexuality. While the entire world talks about homosexuality, the subject remains taboo in many churches. The fear of being labeled as hateful, a bigot, or ignorant has kept many Christians out of the conversation. The church remains silent, leaving many people who love God confused about what the Bible really says about sexuality.

    Did God make people gay? Does God love homosexuals? Will people have to deal with same-sex attraction their entire lives? Landon Schott brings truth and clarity to sexual confusion, using over 400 scripture references to reveal the heart of the Father and mind of Christ.

    Gay Awareness exposes false teaching and deception that have created a false identity through the lens of sexuality instead of the eyes of God’s Word. Gay Awareness will stretch you and challenge you, but with relentless love bring you comfort and healing.

    In Gay Awareness: Discovering the Heart of the Father and the Mind of Christ, top-selling author and nationally known speaker Landon Schott addresses:

    • What the Bible actually says about marriage, sexuality, and homosexuality
    • Mistakes the Church makes when addressing homosexuality and the gay community
    • Contradictions between the gay lifestyle and the Christ-centered lifestyle
    • Clear insight into how to genuinely show Christian love to those who practice homosexuality.
    • How people can experience deliverance and freedom

    Featuring an extensive interview with highly respected authority Dr. Michael L. Brown, a multiple book best-selling author and expert on spiritual renewal and cultural reformation, Gay Awareness is the book you’ve been looking for to find clarity, teach you what Scripture says about homosexuality, and how to respond to people with love, grace, and truth.

    ©2016 Landon Schott (P)2021 Carl Schulberg

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