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Couverture de Jezebel: The Witch Is Back

Jezebel: The Witch Is Back

De : Landon Schott
Lu par : Christian Lingua
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    “With uncommon insight, Landon delineates how to deal with and overcome this spirit, enduing readers with courage to do so. May king-like champions arise and may the works of the evil one be destroyed.” (John Paul Jackson Streams Ministries International)

    Jezebel is made for war. She is ready to fight. Are you? The spirit of Jezebel has risen to power in our culture and infiltrated the Church. Her witchcraft has wreaked mass spiritual carnage through fear, manipulation, intimidation, and domination carried out by those who fall under her spell—even those in leadership. Her wickedness has wounded and scarred countless believers, leaving them fearful, depressed, defeated, sick, and confused. Because of Jezebel, some have lost hope and aborted God’s call on their lives. Her assault will continue until all of God’s people are dead or defeated. Jezebel’s bloodlust for death and destruction will only be stopped when met with spiritual violence. God’s people must rise up in the power of the Holy Spirit to expose the spirit of Jezebel and her evil plans, gain authority, and war against her victoriously.

    Jezebel: The Witch Is Back, will:

    • Expose over 40 of Jezebel’s diabolical characteristics and behaviors
    • Reveal familiar spirits Jezebel has aligned herself with to deceive, kill, and destroy
    • Identify key weapons and strategies the spirit of Jezebel uses to war against God’s people, and the weapons and strategies we must use to oppose her.

    Jezebel: The Witch Is Back will equip and empower you to wage spiritual warfare aggressively, live in spiritual victory, and experience God’s limitless love and joy as you walk boldly in the call of God on your life.

    ©2013 The Rev Ministries (P)2022 The Rev Ministries

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