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  • Fun Facts, Crazy Stories, & Odd and Unusual Trivia Facts!

  • The Big Book of American Facts, Funny True Stories & Odd Trivia for Curious People
  • De : Art Voss
  • Lu par : Ray Jericho
  • Durée : 3 h et 9 min

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Fun Facts, Crazy Stories, & Odd and Unusual Trivia Facts!

De : Art Voss
Lu par : Ray Jericho
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    This is a book of odd and unusual trivia facts--a real treasure trove of fun stories for curious people!

    You will find strange, fascinating, and unusual facts about the US, its history, and its culture. You will also find odd facts about famous people, landmarks, and unusual facts from the US and around the world.

    Inside this awesome random useless facts book for adults and kids, you'll find funny stories that will pique your curiosity and keep you entertained for hours! From the bizarre to the hilarious, this unusual fact book is packed with interesting stories for curious people! So whether you're a trivia buff, enjoy a funny history facts book, or love a good laugh, this fun facts book for teenagers and adults alike will satisfy your thirst for knowledge and entertainment. So dive in and discover the wild and wacky book of American trivia facts for curious minds!

    Here you can learn various interesting, wacky, and crazy facts, including historical events, cultural traditions, fun facts about planets, interesting facts about animals, and peculiar aspects of American society--that's right, the book of unusual knowledge! You might also learn about funny or bizarre true stories, humorous history trivia facts, and odd trivia facts that are unlikely to be found in more traditional sources--it's the crazy facts book!

    This book is a collection of random trivia and weird truths about the United States that will pique your curiosity and interest in learning more. Fun Facts, Crazy Stories, & Odd and Unusual Trivia Facts! contains a variety of interesting and unusual facts. So whether you are looking for interesting facts for curious minds, fun books for teens, useless knowledge books, funny facts books, trivia books for adults, or are on the hunt for bathroom readers or toilet books for men, this interesting facts book for teens and the rest of the family is filled to the brim with interesting stories for curious minds!

    ©2023 Shopsterise Ltd (P)2023 Shopsterise Ltd
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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