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Couverture de Fuel Up

Fuel Up

De : Dana G. Cohen MD, Colin Sapire
Lu par : Sara Krieger
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    Simple, easy, and powerful advice to help you cheat your way to good health using a tool that 90 percent of households already own—a blender—from integrative physician Dr. Dana Cohen and Colin Sapire, the creator of the Nutribullet and Beast blenders.

    That blender sitting on your kitchen counter can help get your energy back, strengthen your immune system, fight disease, and increase longevity. In fact, your blender is the easiest, most effective, and most accessible delivery system for getting the nutrients your body needs to perform at its highest level. It’s a fast track to ultimate nutrition that can help you gain energy and vitality from whole foods and sustain a healthy lifestyle.

    In this groundbreaking book, Colin Sapire, creator of the Nutribullet and Beast blenders, and Dr. Dana Cohen, integrative physician and author, show you how to make use of your blender, get more food as nature intended, and get more diversity into your diet by establishing a blending lifestyle (not diet!) that is so simple, effective, and stress free it feels like cheating.

    Based on the latest research and featuring case studies as well as stories from the authors’ own experiences, this book includes tips and advice throughout—which they call “cheat codes”—for making blending a habit, creating meal plans, establishing healthy habits, staying hydrated, and getting in 30 plants a week (which is easier than it sounds!).

    This book will also have approximately 100 recipes for smoothies, breakfast options, soups, stews, sauces, snacks, cocktails, and more. The recipes will feature both traditional measurements (cup, teaspoon, etc.) as well as a cheat feature with more casual measurements such as a handful of spinach and a pinch of salt for those who want even easier and faster options with fewer tools to clean.

    Fuel Up is the fast track to becoming fully fueled and nourished; and it helps make real, sustainable change in your life in a fun, easy way.

    ©2024 Dana G. Cohen, MD (P)2024 Hay House LLC

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