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Couverture de Friends of Dorothy

Friends of Dorothy

De : Sandi Toksvig
Lu par : Sandi Toksvig
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    The funny, wise and brilliant new novel from the star of QI and the author of Between the Stops

    After much searching, the happily married young couple, Amber and Stevie think they have found the perfect spot in Grimaldi Square. Despite the rundown pub across the way, the overgrown garden and a decidedly nosy neighbour, number 4 is the house of their dreams. Stevie, a woman who has never left anything to chance, has planned everything so nothing can spoil their happiness. But... upstairs in their new home, seated on an old red sofa is the woman they bought the place from - eighty-year-old foul-mouthed, straight-talking, wise-cracking Dorothy - who has decided that she's not going anywhere. It turns out that Dorothy will be only the first in a line of life-changing surprises.

    Friends of Dorothy is a touching, funny novel about a family that is not biological, but logical; a story close to Sandi Toksvig's heart.


    'Life-affirming and addictive' SUNDAY EXPRESS

    'Wise and kind ... it will make you miss your stop' OBSERVER

    'Full of wit and wisdom' RADIO TIMES

    'Inspires ... wonderment and gentle chortles' Independent

    ©2024 Sandi Toksvig (P)2024 Hachette Audio UK
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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